東セミ 南大分教室

東セミ 南大分教室

  • 写真:12枚
  • アクセス数:1025
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校

東セミ 南大分教室



097-546-4119 電話受付時間:平日11:00~21:00


What's up at Mirai Field?
Adventurous August
Greetings from the Mirai Field Team!

東セミ 南大分教室


EIKEN Jr. Results Came Out!

Our practice sessions proved to be fruitful!

We are super proud of each student for good effort and of the whole class for their teamwork.

Our results are as follows: 

Class average scores per grade: bronze grade - 87%, silver grade - 86%, gold grade - 90%. 

Highest scores per grade: bronze - 95%, silver -100%, gold - 90%. 

Thank you to all the Output teachers for the teamwork!

Adventurous Summer 

We had an eventful 22 days of summer vacation at Mirai Field.

The teachers made space for the children to unleash their creativity through the events and it was incredible!

Not only did the children enjoy the events, they were also excited to take on responsibility - different classroom jobs!

It is a beautiful thing to see them have a sense of ownership of the classroom and a sense of responsibility at a young age. 

We finish off the summer vacation with a big heart of gratitude to teachers, children and their parents!  

  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校