東セミ 南大分教室

東セミ 南大分教室

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  • アクセス数:1013
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校

東セミ 南大分教室



097-546-4119 電話受付時間:平日11:00~21:00


What's up at Mirai Field?
Jubilant June Greetings from the Mirai Field Team!

東セミ 南大分教室


Jubilant June

There were many jubilant moments this month and the month has not ended so we are expecting more jubilant moments! In gymnastics class we saw our beginners gain more self-confidence and determination to challenge themselves to do the somersault, forward roll and such, with the teacher’s constant praise and encouragement. As we prepared for the EIKEN Jr. examination, the students’ attitude and effort towards the practice sessions were praiseworthy. Our gratitude to the gymnastics teacher from SMIS and the English teachers from Output. 

Kindness on the Rise

Kindness has become second nature in Mirai Field! Building the culture of kindness has not been easy but perseverance and continuation is key. This month we saw students being kind to one another through their words and attitude. Both teachers and students came together to write letters to our classmates who have been absent from class. Through this small kind gesture, we expressed our love and care for them. 

  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校