東セミ 南大分教室

東セミ 南大分教室

  • 写真:12枚
  • アクセス数:1076
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校

東セミ 南大分教室



097-546-4119 電話受付時間:平日11:00~21:00


What’s up at Mirai Field?

東セミ 南大分教室


Awesome August!

Greetings from the Mirai Field team!

Summer Vacation at Mirai Field

It has been quite an eventful month so far. With the start of the summer holidays, our children came with excitement and full energy!! It was wonderful to see each child have fun during these summer events. Their smiles and laughter are what makes our day!! We had our own mini summer festival, super ball fishing, indoor baseball, and other amazing events.

Little Helpers

This summer we gave the children an opportunity to take on roles for the day. We had a lunch time leader, a homework leader, and a clean up leader every day. They were very responsible and did the work with so much joy! It was great to hear a voice (of a child) say, ‘Homework Time!’ instead of the teacher.

A time for Art & Craft

We all love and enjoy art!! Each child is artistic in his/her own unique way. Throughout this summer, we let the children release their creativity and use their imagination to make things, and paint things. We believe in creating a lot of space for the children to be themselves, and to honor each other by hearing the ideas or opinions expressed by their classmates.

A special thank you to the parents of the children at Mirai Field for their continuous support this summer!!

  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校