東セミ 南大分教室

東セミ 南大分教室

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  • アクセス数:1038
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校

東セミ 南大分教室



097-546-4119 電話受付時間:平日11:00~21:00


What's up at Mirai Field?
Special September Greetings from the Mirai Field Team!

東セミ 南大分教室


The Last of Summer

‘Mr. Moth and Miss Butterfly’

We have some insect lovers at Mirai Field! Some kids like lizards, some like spiders, and some like winged creatures. A butterfly and a moth visited Mirai Field this month. One hour before everyone went home, Mr. Moth came into the room to play. Luckily, the ‘protector of insects’ Billy was still around. He greeted Mr. Moth, and kindly escorted him outside since it was late. On another day, Miss. Butterfly was found just outside the door. She was too shy to enter so the ‘birthday boy’ Takumi gently picked her up and brought her into the room. Since we were about to close, and it was already dark outside, Takumi kindly offered to take Miss. Butterfly home!

The Start of Fall!

We welcomed the new season with fall decorations. We hung some paper pumpkins, and autumn leaves around the room. Halloween is coming soon, and you can feel excitement in the air as the children talk about Halloween costumes.

May it be a wonderful fall season for everyone!

  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校