東セミ 南大分教室

東セミ 南大分教室

  • 写真:12枚
  • アクセス数:1094
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校

東セミ 南大分教室



097-546-4119 電話受付時間:平日11:00~21:00


What's up at Mirai Field?
Surprise-filled September
Greetings from the Mirai Field Team!

東セミ 南大分教室


Creative Learning at English Time 

Thanks to the Output teachers who went an extra mile, the kids at Mirai Field could experience lessons creatively!

We had a origami-turtle naming time at the end of a craft session and the names that the kids came up with were: Kapa, Popo, Tarris, Chika, and Turtle-Rex (probably inspired by Kurt Cyrus’ book, ‘The Voyage of Turtle Rex’).

Such cool turtle names, don’t you think?

On other days, we had a lantern-making and an apple-tasting activity which the kids really enjoyed!

Kids are really creative, intelligent and inquisitive!

May every child be protected, given space to express/ be heard, showered with love and empowered to be much more than what we can see. 

  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校